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2nd International Conference MOOC-Maker

On October 11 and 12, 2018, the 2nd MOOC-Maker International Conference was held in Medellín, Colombia, organized by the Fundación Universitaria Católica del Norte, partner of the project.

The partners of the MOOC-Maker project participated in the conference. A summary of the activities is shared below.

Day 1: October 11

Conference: Lessons and perspectives on online learning strategy at UC Berkeley. Lectured by Armando Fox, PhD, University of Berkeley.

Session track:

Paper Written by Partner
¿How to map learning activities through URLs?: The case of Coursera platform Ronald Pérez-Álvarez, Jorge Maldonado-Mahauad and Mar Pérez-Sanagustín Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
Interactivity in digital content: Virtual Learning Objects and MOOCs Roberto Guevara Calume and John Mira Mejía Fundación Universitaria Católica del Norte
Learning Analytics board to work the Flipped Classroom methodology through the reuse of MOOCs. Cristina Collado Gómez, Carlos Alario-Hoyos, David Santín-Cristobal, Francisco Cruz Argudo and Carlos Delgado Kloos Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
Learning with MOOCs in face-to-face classes. Pilot study in a programming course. Andrea Peralta-Bravo, Christian Piedra-Orellana and Jorge maldonado-Mahauad Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile


Conference: Towards MOOCs and beyond.  Lectured by Carlos Delgado, PhD from Universidad Carlos III de Madrid.

Session track:


Paper Written by Partner
The effectiveness of the use of simulators for knowledge building in a MOOC context Mónica De La Roca, Miguel Morales, Héctor Amado-Salvatierra, Roberto Barchino and Rocael Hernández Universidad Galileo
MOOC Inverted Learning for Teacher Training Alejandra Meléndez, Mariela Román and irina Barreno Universidad Panamericana
Vector Space model with weighting based on relative frequency of navigation events in an instance of Open edX to characterize the behavior. del estudiantado Fabián Anacona, Mario Solarte and Gustavo Ramírez-González Universidad del Cauca


Workshop: Problems, exercises and evaluation tools in MOOCs given byJohn Jairo Escorcia González and Eliana Patricia Londoño de Fundación Universitaria Católica del Norte

Day 2: October 12

Conference: The 4th industrial revolution, a new economy, a new education. Lectured by Rocael Hernández, PhD from Universidad Galileo

Paper Written by Partner
Scientopy for MOOCs: A Scientometric Review


Luis Cruz-Ordonez, Mario Solarte and Gustavo Ramírez-González Universidad del Caua
MOOC-Maker: Three Years Building MOOC Management Capabilities in Latin America Carlos Alario-Hoyos, Mar Pérez-Sanagustín and Miguel Morales ·         Universidad Carlos III de Madrid

·         Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

·         Universidad Galieo

MOOC experience presentation – “Decision Making: Qualitative and quantitative tools for managers”.


John Jairo Escorcia


Fundación Universitaria Católica del Norte


Workshop: Quality management and assurance using learning analytics in higher education: criteria and orientations given by Oscar Jerez Yañez fromUniversidad de Chile

Closing conference: “MOOCMenTES” Capacity building for MOOC management for vocational training, rural development and new generations of rural students in improving their transition to higher education. Lectured by Gustavo Ramírez, PhD from Universidad del Cauca.



2a. Conferencia Internacional MOOC-Maker

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