On May 21 and 22, approx. 25 teachers from Universidad del Cauca participated in the teacher and technical training workshop in Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) given by Carlos Alario PhD from Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Mario Solarte PhD (c) and Daniel Jaramillo PhD (c) from Universidad del Cauca.
On the first day of the workshop were presented the MOOC-Maker and the MOOC-Mentes projects, and the participants learned how to design a MOOC using the MOOC Canvas model.
During the second day, the production part of MOOCs (production of audiovisual material and production of other learning resources) were explained. Likewise, participants received the technical workshop about the implementation of a MOOC on the Open edX platform. The workshops concluded with the general conference „Educational innovations through the development of MOOC alternatives in Latin America“.